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    Five Most Cherished Items In My Toolbox for PCOS

    1. Inositol
    2. Fish Oil
    3. Iodine
    4. Sauna/Sauna Blanket
    5. Magnesium


    Inositol is a must! You can look up the scientific reasons to why it helps. All I can say is, I started to feel much better after taking inositol. My gut issues improved. It changed my life when it came to my inflammation problems. Felt a positive change in my blood sugar, my hunger mood swings decreasing. I had also noticed my sweet cravings changing for the better as well.

    When shopping for inositol you want to be looking for, myo-inositol and d-chiro-inositol together in the formula. They work best together for insulin resistance PCOS. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. These items are just suggestions of the items I use daily, in some cases. Pregnosital is what I use, if you are able to afford a little bit more then Ovasital is nice too. Ovasital usually is a 90 day supply, which makes that something to consider. I have used other brands and they are great too.

    It’s about the bang for the buck, I feel like I’m getting a better deal. Powder form is what I like, I can place in a cold drink.  I do remember having to play with the powder dosage at the beginning of taking it. I never went beyond a double dosage in a day. Inositol comes in many forms I have taken the pills form as well. It really depends on your preferences.

    Please remember I am in no way a healthcare professional. If you have any side effects that don’t seem right, please stop taking the item. These are things that worked for me, but everyone’s different.

    Fish Oil

    My inflammation went down after regularly taking fish oil. Inflammation is a very large problem in my body. I don’t totally enjoy swallowing the fish oil horse pills, but I know it’s worth it. I was told years ago by a fertility doctor how important fish oil is. Personally, I use these Omega-3 fish oil pills.

    To be honest, I’m not totally sure the quality of the fish oil I’m taking is the best. Also, I have to admit that when purchasing fish oil I have focused on the price tag. Which is why I’m not sure on the quality I’m taking. Of course I try to buy as health as possible, but my wallet has a limit at times.

    I have noticed the most when I go off of fish oil, how much I need it. After a couple days off of it, I got extremely puffy and bloated. Felt more fatigued and unmotivated to do anything because of the bloat. Once I got back on the fish oil, I started to see the inflammation decrease greatly. It’s a staple in my supplements I take daily. 


    Iodine is interesting! Don’t know that science behind it but I do know it works for balancing hormones. I learned about it because I came across a video that was talking about your half-moons that show on your fingernail beds. Immediately I looked at my nails, and only noticed half-moons on my thumbs. Didn’t even know about the hormones balancing until after taking it. I just wanted to see half-moons in all my nails…one day.

    When I started going to an acupuncturist, she asked that I go on an iodine blend that would help with my issues. Once taking iodine regularly, I noticed a slight energy boost. It feels like it a natural energy boost, it doesn’t feel like it fueled by a chemical source in the body. My circulation improved after taking it for about a week. Without being a healthcare professional, I really don’t understand the science to iodine… I just know it works.

    Went to my local natural food store and picked up iodine drops. I drop about 5 to 8 drops in my drink, one time per day. The trick I have been told about iodine is, if you can taste the iodine that means you don’t need it…been told it’s a metallic taste. As far as I have been told iodine will have a metallic taste in your drink, if you don’t need it. I can’t seem to find the drops I take but Mary Ruth’s products are always the good. Mary Ruth’s Organic Iodine Drops are a popular choice. Hopefully you too will get your nail half-moons back, like I started to!

    Sauna/Sauna Blanket

    My sauna blanket is a bit of needed frenemy. I do believe it is working wonders for me and my health…it’s just so dang hot. Having read a lot stating that saunas are helpful to those with PCOS. I have also heard that saunas have the power to heal the body fairly quickly, if used consistently.

    It was first suggested to me by an acupuncturist I was seeing. She explained there is a lot of talk about saunas and hormonal balancing. When purchasing a sauna or sauna blanket please consider the EMF output and toxin free…we are trying to get toxins out not put them back in our body’s. Here is a YouTube video of the brand I purchased, HEALiX-Z Sauna Blanket (youtube.com) (I’m in no way associated with this company). After using the sauna blanket for over a month I have noticed inches off body, and clothes fitting better. My sleep has improved as well as my general mood, and don’t forget about the toxin detox!

    If you purchase a sauna, here are some things I recommend when using the sauna. Please understand the importance of hydrating before using your sauna. Made a mistake of not one session, and I didn’t feel good after like I normally do. It took some time to recover after that session.  Also, don’t be afraid to start out slow, lower temperatures and less time. Then build up to the temperature and time you want it to be. A cool washcloth during your sessions can be your best friend! The last thing I have learned about my sauna sessions is wear light (preferably cotton) clothing…it’s a cotton tank and underwear for me. 

    All and all, I’m a believer in saunas and the magic they can do on our bodies. I would have just taken the improvement in sleep but I got so much more out of it, and I’m fairly new to the sauna game. I’m excited  to see what my future holds with my sauna sessions.


    Magnesium is a powerhouse for improving the body and mental health. I started taking magnesium in pill form. When taking it this way, I noticed my gut issues were so much better. My anxiety decreased greatly as well.

    Thanks to social media I have learned the pill form of magnesium isn’t the best way to go. I’m sure there are types of magnesium that absorb well in pill form. I didn’t want to take the time to research which ones. Topically, is what I found was the best way per social media. Having learned that your system absorbs magnesium best through the skin. So, I made a spray myself out of magnesium flakes. In doing so, I have noticed that you don’t want to apply it alone. I would use the spray with a hydrating lotion. Usually, I spray it on the bottoms of my feet, sometimes my stomach. I noticed when I used the spray without lotion my feet dried out a lot…which caused some cracked skin issues.

    When taking it as a spray, I received the same improvements, as taking the pills, but with more positives. Did you know that when you spray magnesium on your feet, it take away body odor? I have test this and it’s very true. You may need to use it a few days before this effect works. The last big lesson I learned is that you can’t take iron and magnesium together, they cancel each other out.

    YouTube video from Krissy Ballinger: Make Your Own Magnesium Oil (youtube.com)

  • About Me

    My Fertility Rabbit Hole with PCOS

    Intro to Me –

    If you suffer from fertility challenges from PCOS…like I do. Then let’s maybe try to go down the rabbit hole together. I have found many things to aid with the reducing of my symptoms…just haven’t made it to conceiving yet. I do feel like I am getting closer on that front. PCOS has been a bit of a war for me since finding out I had it, at the nice ripe age of 30. This blog is to hopefully help someone out there on their TTC (Trying to Conceive) journey.

    This fertility challenges battle is one that no one should feel helpless in, but sadly most of us do. I am not a healthcare professional in anyway, most of the suggestions I bring to this blog are based off my personal experiences and research…and a lot of trial and error. I also want to recognize that everyone is different, what might work for me may not work for you. Yeah, I treated myself like a bit of an experiment. I had to! The doctors weren’t helping me to a level to where I could conceive…unless I paid A LOT! I couldn’t and still don’t accept that. I am very hard-headed, but something tells me to not give up just yet. This is why I am here writing this…to hopefully help someone ignite some hope within myself…when maybe feeling hopeless.

    I have gone at PCOS with a holistic approach. Well, as holistic as I can possibly be. I like things to taste good and be easy to incorporate into my life. After all, I am a normal person with a condition that makes it hard to be happy being female with PCOS. I plan to share my tools I have used to reduce PCOS pain, PCOS mental health concerns/tips and share knowledge I have learned along the way. We might be able to help each other.